Friday, April 29, 2011
Future of gaming??? Company wise?
Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo... they are the top video game companies. They have been in competition with each other for the last 20 years or so and they still battle it out. Each company is working on their new next gen system and they all claim it will be something that will blow your mind out. Each company seems to be going towards the same idea... 3D gaming, interactivity etc. It will be interesting to see if a company can blow the other out of the water such as with other companies like Sega. I believe they will continue to fight in the next 20 years and in the end, one will remain.
Nintendo in the future...
Nintendo is in the making of their next gen console and it scheduled for next year release. Not many details are released yet, but the president is promising that it will leave your mouth open in aw. Rumors and leaks of the system tell of it being fully interactive with senors connected to your head to be able to read and sense movements. Details are still unknown but prototype pictures are all over the internet already. The device is supposed to be on par with other devices as far as graphics go also, meaning it will be 3D.
Nintendo is in the making of their next gen console and it scheduled for next year release. Not many details are released yet, but the president is promising that it will leave your mouth open in aw. Rumors and leaks of the system tell of it being fully interactive with senors connected to your head to be able to read and sense movements. Details are still unknown but prototype pictures are all over the internet already. The device is supposed to be on par with other devices as far as graphics go also, meaning it will be 3D.
Psp2 (future)
FaceBook/Smart Phone Mini-Games (Future)

Lets keep it simple and easy now. No more huge clunky controllers or crazy high end graphics. The future and craze right now are simple and easy, yet addictive mini-games with two of the biggest social networking equipments/programs, FaceBook and Smartphones. How many times have you been on FaceBook, and got bored and began to play invite two or three friends for a random game on FaceBook, or was a passenger on a long car ride, and began tinkering with a cool new game on your smartphone. Imagine a wildly popular IpPhone app/game that cost a dollar to download, with over a million of unique purchasers buy that one game, each time a company creates and releases a new fun addictive game. The future of handheld/FaceBook mini games are endless
Star Wars (Future)
Star Wars. All ages old to young, know about the series. Whether it was the 1st or 6th movie, the Star Wars is a huge billion-dollar corporation, with products from the movies, books, clothing, and even Star Wars themed- attractions. While a Star Wars video game is not exactly something new, this is quite different for it is an MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing game). The creators wish to earn the help from its massive fanbase from the movie series to drive this game to the top of the MMORPG competition, hopping to surpass the top dog, World of Warcraft, which has a registered 12 million players paying 12 dollars a month to continue playing. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the MMORPG field is wide open, and with an establish franchise such as Star Wars attempts to step up in the near future, it will get very interesting to see how it is received.
Violence and the Future (Future)
Take a look at the two images above. Several years ago people were outraged at the "original" gun controller, the NES Duck Hunter, which could only be played with a handgun-esque controller, which many believed would promote real life fire arms usage. The assault rifle pic is a part of the PS Move addon, which even further allows more "interaction" with the current shooters, such as Battlefield or Call of Duty game series.
The other (more graphic) pic is of the new Mortal Kombat 9 video game. Back when the original Mortal Kombat was released, many were outraged by a head being punched off, with 3 pixels worth of blood falling off. Back then violence was being prevented from being displayed by the graphic limitations of that time. Now is 2011, where graphics and images such as the one above are possible.
Is our video game's nowadays too violent? Do video game companies do this to have a "shock" factor in terms of violence, to draw in the curious. Its the same as the saying "it's like a massive trainwreck, its ugly and your don't want to look, but you can't look away".
Future of Online Security (Future)
As many current owners of current generation consoles may know, but 77 million Playstation Network accounts were hacked last week, resulting in the server being shut down still (over a week now). Passwords, email-addresses, phone numbers, and apparently even credit cards are compromised, resulting in one of the worst data loss situations in history. Many have swayed their eyes to Sony, and their apparent lack of defense and encryption for keeping the database of account in a elementary level text file.
This bring out the question of account protection on videogaming (and of course the internet as well). Hopefully many other gaming servers take note of what has been going on with PSN, and strive to improve their protection, and overall online quality.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever (Future) (if link is not working search "Duke Nukem Forever" on youtube) This is a game that was thought to be a prank since it has been in development for 12 years as is pointed out at the very end of the trailer. I chose this game to talk about because it is a game that SHOULD get an Adult Only rating, but is instead given a Ma 17+. Also the game is very unique compared to many games today. How often do you see a game character on a quest to save more then one woman? This game also seems like it will have a mix of the old and the new. By old and new I mean gameplay mechanics might be a mix of older and newer styles.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Future) Inside Gaming (Video G...: IGP: Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning (To the left is the exact name of the link if the link is not working on youtube). The Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning I found interesting. One: R.A. Salvatore, a best-selling author, created the fantasy world. Can any other game say that? I don't think a single game currently out has been worked on at all by any author especially a best-seller. Another reason I found this game interesting is that in this open world RPG the fighting will be similar to fighting games, meaning you can knock enemies in the air, combos, hit reacts, etc... (I found this information in the April edition of Game informer) Also like the Elder Scrolls series players will not be bound to a class and instead have 3 primary trees to put points in: might, sorcery, and finesse.
Dark Souls (Future) (If link is not working search "Dark Souls Interview: Overview" on youtube) Dark Souls is a game that will come out in the fall that uses a lot of the gameplay mechanics of Demon's Souls, but is NOT a sequel to Demon's Souls. For anyone (whether you like video games or not) the 5 minute video shown here should be able to hold your attention. I have noticed for one that the creatures in the video look pretty unique compared to plenty of other games I've seen/played. Also in this game, unlike other hack and slash games, there will be a good sense of strategy and difficulty (as was in Demon's Souls). In a lot of other games the victory is handed to you, this will not be the case as you will constantly face needs to change strategy and adjust to be able to survive. Or you could just destroy your xbox 360 or PS3 controller.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Future) (if link is not working type "Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Official Gameplay Trailer" into youtube) The fifth Elder Scrolls in the series is coming out in November of this year. The reason why it is important is that it is getting rid of classes. Madness! some of you might be saying, but it is true. The developers thought that classes limited imagination and decided that YOU the player choose whatever you want to be. You could be a swordsman who poisons your sword before striking down your adversary while wearing light armor if you choose or a heavily armored mage without feeling pigeon holed into stereotypical rpg roles. Also Elder Scrolls V Skyrim molds itself to fit the player. This means if you have not been to that dungeon north of town you might get a quest from a villager to get a lost heirloom or clear it of bandits or any other of a large number of tasks.
Diablo 3 (Future) ("Diablo III: Gameplay Trailer" in youtube if link is not working) This link shows the gameplay trailer of Diablo III, which is supposed to be coming out sometime next year. The 19 minute video is well worth watching for anyone who loves hack and slash gameplay with a bit of strategy thrown in. Diablo III is an action game where you get to kill demons. The main premise of the story is still unknown since in Diablo 2 the player supposibly destroyed the 3 Prime evils, Diablo, Mephisto and Baal (all synonyms for devil) in the previous game and destroyed their soul stones, which bound them to the world of Santuary (the game world). The thing that makes this game different from those today (besides being a Diablo game) is that this game will have unlimited replay value. I'm not just saying that for the sake of saying it, by unlimited I mean there will be random "adventures", (I forget the actual term and where I got this information, but I have been looking up Diablo 3 information for a LONG time) where you are randomly assigned a quest from a very large database of quests, which I think is based off either the level of the character or where the character currently is. If you want more information go to or just go to Blizzard's website and select Diablo 3.
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